Breath of Remembrance

Remember Who You Are Through Expanded States of Consciousness

Welcome to the Mystery of your Inner Universe

Breath of Remembrance™ is a transformational modality of breathing that allows us to access non ordinary states of consciousness. This effective breathwork technique allows us to work with our subconscious and intuitive material while in expanded states of consciousness.

Practicing this type of breathwork helps us heal deep emotional wounds and generational trauma. This breathing technique will help you remember who you really are in your full potential.

Breath of Remembrance suggests no authority above you and facilitates your direct connection with the Universe.

You are the ONLY one who knows the Truth about yourself. Your True Self is your best teacher and guide.

Release. Expand. Transform.

Breath of Remembrance is a transformational modality of breathing that allows us to access our subconscious material through expanded states of consciousness. By working with this material we are able to heal our old wounds and remember who we really are in our full potential.


Released Emotions

Unprocessed and suppressed emotions cause depression, anxiety and even physical illness. Rational understanding of our emotions is not enough to sustain health, balance & happiness. Emotional release is crucial for our well being but we don’t have enough tools to facilitate this process. Breathwork is an outstanding opportunity for it.

Movement & Voice Liberation

Most modern people are disconnected from their body and its wisdom. Voicing our truth is limited with cultural and social boundaries of appropriateness. Breathwork creates space for both: connecting with your body and voicing your truth through a vibrational sound. It is truly healing, freeing and expansive experience on all levels.

Messages From Spirit

Many of us are conditioned to follow logic and belief system of the Western civilization. However our rational mind is too limited to understand the complexity and mystery of the Universe. Breathwork expands our mind and allows us to see our blind spots, pure energy beyond logic. We can reconnect with our own spirit and receive guidance. 



Breath of Remembrance™​​​​​​​ is a transformational modality of breathing that allows us to access our subconscious through expanded states of awareness. By working with these deeper layers of our consciousness, we are able to heal old wounds and remember who we really are in our full potential. This is an effective breathwork session for transformation to take place.

Breath of Remembrance


| 5 hr. In Person Breathwork Workshop |

Breath of Remembrance 3 hr. Workshop

| 3 hr. In Person Breathwork Workshop 

Benefits of Breath of Remembrance:

– Remember your own truth, untouched by cultural and social influences

– Heal old wounds

– Reveal your blind spot

– Receive your own authentic answers to the important questions

– Release energetic blockages

– Process emotions

– Heal your relationships

– Step into your power and reconnect with your Divine Self



Developing a regular practice of breathwork will help you to get in sync with life. You will feel more able to express yourself through creativity and communication. By reconnecting with yourself, you will be more present and feel better connected with your relationships. 


At the beginning of our journey, we will have an “Introduction to Breathwork” opening circle to connect and set intentions. Then we will dive in and explore with emotional, evocative music.


When we work in expanded states of consciousness, sometimes the perception of time changes. 1-3 hours can feel like a much longer period of time. Much inner work is done during this time.


At the end we will have a sharing circle to integrate the experience. 




– Pregnancy

– Cardiovascular disease, including heart attack

– Severe hypertension

– Severe mental illness

– Recent surgery or fractures


– Recent or current infectious disease

Glaucoma or retinal detachment

**If you have asthma, please, bring your inhaler to the workshop!

The Science & Benefits of Breathwork

Within transpersonal branch of psychology breathwork is widely used to heal deep psychological traumas, reduce anxiety and depression.